A Covid19 Insight
by Jan . Morris
A Korumburra Medical Centre virus-test and isolation was completed, before my operation at Peninsula Private, the test was negative.
After the procedure, the surgeon was concerned about my chest, thinking I had an infection, just my asthma playing-up.
Upstairs to the isolation-room, my bed with me in it, looking anxious, arrived, the room I had just left had signs slapped on it, Keep Out, No Entry, and other Government information.
Once settled in this bare clinical room, the nurses, who were wonderful, kept changing their protective gear when they left me. Meals were served on a cardboard-tray with plastic cutlery.
No visitors or Newspapers! Yet those intrusive virus tests continued negative results each time.
Once discharged and at home, loving the freedom of beautiful lush green Korumburra. Once more isolation, I reflected on the positive-patients there for many weeks, getting strong but so alone, no family, so clinical.
This virus takes our freedom away, but these precautions just have to be, protecting us and everyone.
2020, a year of awakening, maybe a lesson not to take life for granted.
See you all; When the World has healed.
Jan. C. Morris.

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